Thursday, April 26, 2007

Don't believe what you see, it's not as bad as you think

Popular culture and the media have a grip in the lives of everyone in modern times, and sometimes people take what these sources say too seriously. The way the media portrays fast food recently in movies, books, and other sources has been very derogatory.

For instance, take the movie Supersize Me. This movie is a documentary which is trying to prove that McDonald’s™ food is extremely unhealthy and should not be eaten. The director did this by eating McDonald’s™ at every meal every day for one month. There are some flaws with this theory. First of all, eating anything for a long period of time without any other food in your diet will certainly derive your body of nutrients that other foods offer. Second of all, if this experiment was supposed to prove the effects McDonald’s™ food has on someone in the long term, some controls were not met. One is that people would be able to exercise and have a more balanced diet throughout one year than they would in one month.

To sum up, the media gives fast food a bad name. Obviously any diet which consists of one specific food will not give your body a benefit, but if fast food, like any other food, is eaten in moderation, and does not include high-fat products such as mayonnaise, or high concentrations of salt, it would do your body good to eat a meal which consists of four food groups.

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